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The pandemic brought to light a very dangerous reality for Pennsylvanians. Our state government is way too involved in our day to day lives. The horrors of a hyperactive state government in the COVID era cannot be repeated. The government, and its many departments, must be scaled back and made more efficient, and stripped of much of its overreaching authority.


60% of Pennsylvanians are living paycheck to paycheck. The effects of inflation are hurting them at the gas pump, on their energy bills, and at the grocery store. We need fundamental reforms in PA that lower taxes, peel back regulations, and make it easier for Pennsylvanians not just to make ends meet, but to thrive.


Whether it’s your choice as a parent to enroll your children in public, private, charter, cyber, or homeschool, you should be able to do so without clearing harmful hurdles from state government. The key word here is “choice.” It’s your choice how your kids are educated, and it is certainly not government’s role to inhibit your child’s education based on your choice.


Paying a tax each year on the property that you bought and rightfully own makes no sense and is unjust. Pennsylvanians need to be released from this ball and chain precedent that drains bank accounts and penalizes landowners.


Small businesses are the lifeblood of Pennsylvania’s economy. Government regulation and hyper-involvement are the chief hindrances of small business. We have to clear a way for small businesses to excel and do what they do best – offering the best possible product or service to Pennsylvanians.


The poorly planned and ill conceived election code changes (also known as ACT 77) was a train wreck waiting to happen. It must be repealed. One of the foundations of free societies is fair and just elections, which is something we need to reclaim and reinsure with all possible diligence.


The Federal Bill of Rights can't be any clearer on your right to 'keep and bear arms.' The democrats' onslaught to add taxes, regulations, and other hassles to gun owners is ridiculous and counterproductive. Their radical agenda must be defeated.


Whether it's the effects of unchecked illegal immigration or the failure to prosecute violent criminals, we must restore a sense of law & order in our state. The Democrats' soft on crime approach has made our neighborhoods and communities less safe.

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